Adapted from Wayne Dyer by Bud Case
Excuses |
Affirmations |
1. It will be difficult. |
I accomplish any task I set my mind to with ease and comfort. |
2. I’m not strong enough. |
I access unlimited assistance. My strength comes from my connection to my source of being. |
3. I’m not smart enough. |
I am a creation of God, all is perfect imperfect and I am a genius in my own right. |
4. I’m too old (or not old enough). |
I am an infinite being. The age of my body has no bearing on what I do or who I am. |
5. The rules won’t let me. |
I live my life according to God’s rules. |
6. It’s too big. |
I think only about what I can do now. By thinking small I accomplish great things. |
7. I don’t have the energy. |
I feel passionately about my life and this passion fills me with excitement and energy. |
8. It’s me personal family history. |
I live in the present moment by being grateful for all of my life experiences as a child. |
9. I’m too busy. |
As I unclutter my life I free myself to answer the callings of my soul. |
10. I’m too scared. |
I can accomplish anything I put my mind to because I know that I’m never alone. |
11. It’s going to be risky. |
Being myself involves no risk. It is my ultimate truth and I live it fearlessly. |
12. It will take a long time. |
I wait patiently when it comes to fulfilling my destiny. |
13. There will be family drama. |
I would rather be loathed for who I am than loved for who I am not. |
14. I don’t deserve it. |
I am created by God in His image therefore I cannot be undeserving. |
15. It’s not my nature. |
My essential nature is perfectly imperfect. I make mistakes but am NOT a mistake. It is to this nature that I return. |
16. I can’t afford it. |
I am connected to an unlimited source of abundance. |
17. No one will help me. |
The right circumstances and the right people are already here and will show up on time. |
18. It has never happened before. |
I attract all that I desire beginning here and now. |